Tiziano’s Sweet Dream: A New Wheelchair for a Rising Paralympic Star

Tiziano’s Sweet Dream: A New Wheelchair for a Rising Paralympic Star

Aug 08, 2024

UPDATE 05/09/2024 


We have successfully collected the 1,500€ for Tiziano's wheelchair. We are now in contact with the chair builder, who has already taken Tiziano's measurements and has officially started the process. It is estimated that the customized wheelchair will be ready and delivered the first weeks of October. 
Stay tuned for more updates and the final video! 


Project name: A custom-made wheelchair for Tiziano
Who are we helping: Tiziano García, 17-year-old paralympic bastekball star
Objective: Cover the cost of Tiziano's wheelchair with the help of our community.
Cost: 1500 EUR
Status: In progress
Date: Started in August 2024 

Who is Tiziano?

Meet Tiziano García, a 17-year-old with a big dream: to become Argentina’s best Paralympic basketball player and one day play in Europe. Tiziano’s determination and passion for the sport are undeniable. He trains tirelessly, pushing himself every day to get closer to his goal. But there’s one thing standing in his way: his wheelchair. 

Tiziano’s story of perseverance and resilience has deeply touched our hearts, and we want to help him reach his dream. That’s why we’re excited to announce a special campaign: 

From today until September 5th
we’ll donate 1€ for every new customer who joins Snack Pilot. 

Sweets & Smiles' goal is to raise 1,500€ to gift Tiziano a custom-made wheelchair, designed specifically for his needs and athletic ambitions. 


📹To watch the video about this project, click here.

Tiziano’s journey: 

Tiziano’s journey hasn’t been easy. When he was just six years old, a tragic house fire took both his mother and his legs. To help him heal and stay active, he began playing basketball at school. His teachers quickly saw his natural talent, and with their encouragement, he started training seriously. Today, he’s a key player for the Almirante Brown team in Argentina. 

His hard work and talent caught the attention of the Argentinian National Youth Paralympic Basketball Team, and he’s since played in national and international tournaments. His most recent achievement? Winning the Panamerican Games 2023 in Colombia with his team. 

Why a new wheelchair matters: 

Right now, Tiziano plays with a wheelchair donated by his town hall. While it’s good enough for practice, it’s not ideal for a full-time athlete like him. A custom-built wheelchair will allow Tiziano to play at his best, helping him to professionalize and chase his dream of becoming Argentina’s top player and, one day, playing in Europe. 

Tiziano’s determination and courage have inspired everyone here at Sweets and Smiles and Snack Pilot, and we want to help him reach his sweet dream. 

How can you help: 

By simply subscribing to Snack Pilot, you can contribute to Tiziano’s cause. For every new subscription until September 5th, we’ll donate 1€ towards his new wheelchair. 

To make this campaign even sweeter, we’ve reduced our prices, so you can get your first box for just 9,99€!

Let’s come together to support Tiziano on this journey and help him achieve his dream! 


Follow us on social media for updates on Tiziano’s story and our progress.